WebBDS User Interface

The dispatcher in a delivery company uses WebBDS to assign bags to drivers for delivery to passengers.

Sign In to WebBDS

Set Your Airport

Main Menu — Dispatch Functions

Main Menu — Other Functions

Screen Header

Bags — by Airport/Airline Screen

Driver Icons

Bag Details

Bag List or Grid View

Right-click Bag Menu

Select Multiple Bags

Multiple Bags in a BDO

Online Help

Sign In to WebBDS

Sign in at the following URL:


Set Your Airport

Select your airport from the drop-down list at the top of the screen.

Airport drop-down list

Main Menu — Dispatch Functions

See Manage Bag Deliveries.

Main Menu — Other Functions

1 Reports and Billing
2 Ratings by Airport or Driver
3 Administration
4 About This Help

Screen Header

1 Airport selected
2 Search field
3 Language menu
4 User ID and role
5 Menu to select preferences, display help, or sign out

Bags — by Airport/Airline Screen

1 Screen name
2 View options
3 Grid or List button and Refresh button
4 Filters for bags and drivers
5 Airline, number of bags and status
6 Number of bags per screen
7 Filter for bags by a single airline
8 Bags for an airline in a list view, sorted by default by BDO number
9 Access to bag details and bag menu
10 Bags to be returned to the airline are displayed with a blue background

Driver Icons

The shape of the icon indicates the driver's role. A square icon is a Delivery, a circle is a Pickup driver. For definitions, see Delivery driver and Pickup driver.

In the Driver Schedules, Allocation by Driver, and Bags by Driver screens, a red icon indicates drivers with more deliveries assigned than other drivers, indicated with a green icon.

Bag Details

Click the (i) icon to display bag details.

1 Bag type and color
2 WorldTracer file reference number
3 Bag status
4 Display assigned driver on map
5 Type of service, or click to select a type of service
6 Access to the Bag menu
7 Comments added to the BDO
8 Passenger and delivery address
9 Pickup date and time — Scheduled and Actual
10 Delivery date and time — Requested and Actual


Bag List or Grid View

You can display the bags in a list or grid format.

Click on the Grid or List buttons at the top right of the screen to change the bag view.

Bags in List view

Bags in Grid view

When you select a bag in Grid view, the Bag menu appears above the grid.

Right-click Bag Menu

When in List view, select one or multiple bags, right-click and choose an action from the Bag menu.

You cannot select bags that have been delivered.

Select Multiple Bags

In List view, select multiple bags to perform the same action on all bags. The selected bags are displayed in blue, with a check mark at the left side.

Right-click and choose an action from the Bag menu.

Multiple Bags in a BDO

When a WorldTracer agent creates a BDO for multiple bags to the same address, each bag is displayed separately in WebBDS, with the same BDO number.

To assign all bags to the same driver, select all bags, right-click and Assign to Driver.

If you edit the BDO of any of the bags, you are asked if you want to apply the changes to all bags in the BDO.

Online Help

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More information

Manage Bag Deliveries